four corners project

These notes have been augmented with code from the Four Corners Project. Click each corner to reveal context about the note.

The Four Corners Project is online here.

four corners project

How, and why, did people stop caring about this place?
I've been through this town—US 12 is the 1st Street of Marmarth, ND—many times since the mid-1980s on the way to visit my folks. I love this place, at least the idea of it, and I found these views.  It's extraordinary how the rural Great Plains and Intermountain West, the land I know best, have been hollowed out in the last 50 years. And public policy has not addressed it. How, and why?   Certainly, authoritarians don't care (money is their only measure, they exploit rural America for their private profit). But do democrats?

four corners project

Stop Grifting on Stolen Land

four corners project

Individual Freedom Comes With a Side

four corners project

Big Dorothy Denied Justice at Work

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